
Trains Speeding from Both Ends, Woman Leaps Off Rail Bridge in Fear..! Dies as Husband Watches


A split second decision cost a woman her life when she jumped off a rail bridge to dodge trains racing toward her from both sides. Her husband stood frozen, witnessing the horrifying end. This shocking event proves how dangerous shortcuts can be.

Details & Context

Walking on railway tracks instead of using overbridges is something many do every day. It’s quick, it’s easy—but it’s also deadly. On an early morning at Bidhannagar station, 40-year old Sushma Prasad from Laketown Dakshindari took this gamble. Around 7 AM, she and her husband, Bikash Prasad started crossing the tracks after getting off their train. They soon found themselves on a bridge where trains pass.

Out of nowhere, two trains—one heading up, the other down—closed in fast. Trapped with no way out, Sushma made a panicked choice: she leaped through an opening in the bridge, hoping to land safely below. Instead, she fell hard and passed away moments later. Bikash, thrown off balance, hit the stones beside the tracks and was badly hurt but survived. Police from Lake town station stepped in, retrieving her body and aiding the injured husband.


- “It happened so fast - I couldn’t grab her in time,” Bikash Prasad said, his voice heavy with grief.

- “Shortcuts like these kill too many. We need people to wake up,” warned a local police officer.

Additional Information

Crossing tracks isn’t rare—hundreds die yearly in India from similar risks. Bidhannagar station, a busy hub has long struggled with people ignoring overbridges. This case, though, hits harder because of the husband’s front-row seat to the tragedy. Authorities may now push for tougher safety steps to stop this from happening again.

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Impact Analysis

One life lost, another forever changed. This accident ripples beyond just numbers—it’s a family torn apart and a community shaken. It might spark new safety rules or campaigns but for Bikash, the pain of watching his wife vanish will never fade. Bigger picture.? It’s a loud call for everyone to rethink risky habits.

A shortcut meant to save time stole a life instead. Sushma’s fate warns us all: stick to safe paths not risky tracks. Let’s learn before it’s too late.

Call to Action (CTA)

Choose safety over speed—use overbridges, not tracks. Get the latest on this story and life-saving tips from The Daily Hints. Share this news to spread the word and protect others.!


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Anwita Roy

Sad! That's why people should follow the safety rules

doli khan
